About ERSP
What can you expect from ERSP?
The program takes place during a student’s second year in the CSE major, fall through spring. Students in each yearly cohort are grouped into teams and matched with an existing research group within UCSD CSE.
Over the course of the program, CSE ERSP groups will attend the research group’s normal weekly meetings to observe and learn from (and eventually contribute to) this research group. At the same time, CSE ERSP students attend a weekly support “class” with all other students in the CSE-ERSP program that helps them learn the basics of research as well make sense of what they are hearing and learning about in their research groups.
ERSP model includes:
Dual mentoring
Research training
Community and accountability
ERSP Objectives
To excite participants through early exposure to “real computer science” and the challenges facing CS researchers today
To teach participants the fundamental skills involved in conducting CS research
To create a diverse and supportive community for all students within the CSE department, with a focus on increasing engagement with and support for students from groups currently underrepresented in computer science including women, African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans and indigenous peoples.