2023 ERSP National Conference (Virtual)
About the Conference
The second ERSP National Virtual Conference will be held on September 30, 2023 from 10am PT/1pm ET through 1:30pm PT/4:30pm ET on Zoom. It will provide a chance for students who have participated in ERSP to present their work to a national audience.
You can find information about the 2022 ERSP National Conference here.
Attend the Conference
The conference will be held on Zoom. It is free and open to everyone who wants to attend (ERSP participants, all other students, faculty, parents, friends, etc.). You must register in advance by filling out the registration form below. After you register, you will receive a zoom link for the conference. Note that the registrations are reviewed manually so it will likely take a few days before you receive the link.
Click here to register to attend the conference. Registration is free!
Conference Program (Subject to Change)
All Times in Eastern Standard Time.
1-1:15: Introductions/icebreakers
1:15-1:50: Live keynote speaker: Raechel Walker, PhD Student MIT Media Lab, ERSP Alum UCSD 2018-19 Cohort
1:50-2: Break
2-3: Longer Talks* (10-minute pre-recorded talks with 5 min live Q&A) [parallel sessions: See below for details.]
3-3:20: Small group networking with poster presenters
3:20-3:30: Break
3:30-4:10: Lightning talks* (5-minute pre-recorded talk with 5 minutes live Q&A) [parallel sessions. See below for details.]
4:10-4:30: Small group networking and closing
*All presentations will be pre-recorded. At least one presenter from each team will be present at the conference. Attendees can interact with the presenter in Zoom chat while their presentation video is playing, during the 5-minute live Q&A and during the networking sessions.
Important Dates
Submissions due: June 28 2023, 11:59pm Pacific Time.
Notification of acceptance: On or before August 4, 2023
Video presentations due: September 15, 2023
(Submission link)Conference: September 30, 2023, 1pm Eastern Time until 4:30pm Eastern Time. (Registration link) Presenter registration deadline: Sept 15. General registration deadline: Sept 29.
Longer Talks Detailed Schedule (2-3pm Eastern Time)
Click on the poster titles to access the posters.
Track 1:
2:00-2:15pm: Sublinear Time Eigenvalue Estimation for Data Science.
Sophia Hubscher, Rishik Janaswamy, Ashley McNamara, Anisha Prathi. University of Massachusetts, Amherst2:15-2:30pm: Analyzing The Language of Mental Burnout on Reddit.
Cynthia Bao, Jonathan Wealkiem, Thomas Rexin, Shreya Velagala, Marissa Lee. University of California, San Diego2:30-2:45pm: Quacky: Quantitative Access Control Permissiveness Analyzer
Ganesh Sankaran, Albert Li, Emily O'Mahony, Benjamin Prince. University of California, Santa Barbara2:45-3:00pm: Dirt Cheap: Power Sensors with Soil and Friends
Kristin Ebuengan, Melody Gill, Sophia Gomez. University of California, San Diego
Track 2:
2:00-2:15pm: Classifying Movies Based on Vibes
Shreyan Mallik, Sofia Simonoff, Agneshka Rohra, Chukwuemeka Ifejiagwa. University of Massachusetts, Amherst2:15-2:30pm: Observing the Peaks and Troughs of Inverse Rendering
Andrew Oabel, Nabhan Sazzad, Maggie Liu, University of California, San Diego2:30-2:45pm: Advancing Binary Analysis Through Compositional Symbolic Execution
Jeffrey Mun, Erica Liu, Adrian Lindell. University of California, Santa Barbara2:45-3:00pm: Real World Object Detection
Nandini Jirobe, George Fashho, Selena Torres, Vira Kasprova, Enkh-Amgalan Altanshagai. University of Illinois, Chicago
Lightning Talks Detailed Schedule (3:30-4:10pm Eastern Time)
Click on the poster titles to access the posters.
Track 1:
3:30-3:40pm: Prompt Engineering For Stable Diffusion using ChatGPT and Prompt-Based Learning
Edwin Yee, Liliana Nguyen, Hugo Lin, Shamita Gurusu, Wesley Truong. University of California, UC Santa Barbara3:40-3:50pm: The Influence of Diverse Learning Companions on Student’s Learning
Kyle Lee, Dilean Bermudez. University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Track 2:
3:30-3:40pm: Identifying biomarkers from saliva using macrophage reactivity and tolerance
Varun Parekh, Sindhu Kothe, Emily Better. University of California, UC San Diego3:40-3:50pm: Human Trust in Visualized COVID-19 Data
Erin Melia, Jocelyn Velazquez, Bhoomika Raj Ethakota. University of Massachusetts, Amherst3:50-4:00pm: Mitigating Covertly Unsafe Text within Natural Language Systems
Alex Mei*[1], Anisha Kabir*[1], Sharon Levy[1], Melanie Subbiah[2], Emily Allaway[2], John Judge[1], Desmond Patton[3], Bruce Bimber[1], Kathleen McKeown[2], William Yang Wang[1]; [1]=University of California, Santa Barbara; [2]=Columbia University; [3]=University of Pennsylvania, * denotes equal contribution4:00-4:10pm: Automation of Premise Selection to Enable More Software Verification
Simran Lekhwani, Ishita Kakkar, Jeremy Ngooi, Giang Nguyen. University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Track 3:
3:30-3:40pm: Experimental Evaluation of Optimal Distance Oracles for Planar Graphs
Sonali Palit, Aashi Mehta, Mahika Arora, Phong Trinh Ha. University of Massachusetts, Amherst3:40-3:50pm: Efficient Document Processing for ISPO
Alex Nguyen, Gilen Wu-Hou, Jinya Jiang, Bryant Tan, University of California, San Diego3:50-4:00pm: Conjectured Tight Security of the RSA Full-Domain-Hash Signature Scheme in the Algebraic Group Model
Silvia Tonceli, Aryamani Boruah, Grace Schmelzer, Dang Tran. University of Massachusetts, Amherst4:00-4:10pm: Finding Scam Contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain
Michelle Zimmermann, Jacey Buchner, James Fu. University of California, Santa Barbara
Track 4:
3:30-3:40pm: Assessing Fairness Through Standardized Environments
Cassandra Ponce Maldonado, Josue Martinez, Suprith Krishnakumar, Xicotencatl Reyes. University of California, San Diego3:40-3:50pm: The Effects of Biased Training Data on Intersectional Classification Accuracy in facial analysis
Siddhi Suresh, Joshua Riznyk, Harry Sanders, Southern Connecticut State University3:50-4:00pm: Extracting Game Characteristics from Student Game Designs With Machine Learning
Julia Epshtein, Anh Pham, Minh Vu. University of Massachusetts, Amherst4:00-4:10pm: Evaluating the Security of Microservice Applications
Daryl Ou, Jeffrey Cao, Krish Chaudhary, Kelly Yan. University of California, Santa Barbara
Instructions for Presenters
Deadline to submit recorded presentations: September 15, 2023 (11:59pm Pacific Time)
Submit the link to your presentation here: https://bit.ly/2023-ERSP-Video-Submission
All presentations will be pre-recorded and played from video at the conference. Presenters will be required to record and submit a 10 minute (long presentations) or 5 minute (lightning talks) video presentation by September 15. Your video must meet the following requirements:
It must be uploaded to YouTube. Please make sure your video is either public or unlisted (i.e. we will be able to see it but no one else will be unless you give them the link), but NOT private.
It must be captioned with subtitles. Do not rely on the automatically generated subtitles. Click the link for more information about how to caption your video on YouTube. Remember to leave space at the bottom of your slides/video for these captions.
It must be no longer than the time limits posted above.
You may use any method you like to create your videos. Two popular methods are to use Zoom or PowerPoint. There are countless resources and videos online about how to record presentations using either of these methods, but if you are having trouble, feel free to reach out.
Submit Your Work
Submissions closed
We invite all students who have participated in ERSP at any site in any cohort to submit their ERSP poster for presentation at the National Virtual Conference. At least one member of the research team must be available to attend the full conference to interact with the audience.
To submit a poster to be considered for presentation, please prepare the following materials:
A 250-word (<2000 characters) abstract
A PDF of your poster
Selection Criteria
Submissions will be reviewed for clarity, scope, and quality of the research.
Posters that are accepted for presentation will be accepted as one of the following presentation types:
Long format talks: Presenters will have a 15 minute slot to present and discuss their work. They will pre-record a 10-minute video presentation and have 5 minutes to interact with the audience. Long format talks will be given in a single track session.
Lightning talks: Presenters will have minutes to present their work. They will pre-record a 3 minute lightning talk and have time for 5 minutes of interaction with the audience. Lightning talks will be given in parallel tracks.
Leadership Team
Christine Alvarado, UC San Diego, contact: cjalvarado@ucsd.edu)
Diana Diaz Herrera, University of Illinois, Chicago
Cynthia Lee, Stanford
Diba Mirza, UC Santa Barbara
Renata Revelo, University of Illinois, Chicago
Neena Thota, UMass Amherst